Mouse Ears for Your Next Disney Trip!
Let’s be honest – you may worry about packing for your next Disney vacation. Of course you’ll pack the essentials but the most important accessory you need are Mouse Ears!
Mouse Ears have become a must-have item for any Disney vacation! With so many characters to choose from and so many styles out there it gets difficult to choose favorites. Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of 3D Printed Ears in the parks which has been awesome. Flower crown ears, wire ears, and fabric based ears are all still very popular as well. As my mouse ear collection continues to grow I continue to get some variety in types of Mouse Ears in my closet. I truly love and appreciate all try hard work that goes into all these sets of Mouse Ears.
I make my own Mouse Ears at my Etsy shop, AdventurelandEarsCo, and have a huge collection of other Mouse Ears from a variety of sellers on Etsy. (And if you’re in a huge rush for your next Disney vacation I’ve even seen them on Amazon with Prime shipping!)
Below you’ll find a roundup of some of my favorite Mouse Ears. When you get to the end make sure to leave a comment with your favorites as well!
Disclosure: Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links, meaning, at no cost to you, I may earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase. Your support to this blog is greatly appreciated and commissions go towards bringing you the best content possible!

Need some more inspiration? Be sure to check out my post on Haunted Mansion Style! What are your favorite Mouse Ear shops? Leave your favorites in the comments!
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If you need Mouse Ears for your next trip, check out my Etsy Shop: AdventurelandEarsCo
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